While vitamin E isn't as well-known as other vitamins such as A, C, and D, that doesn't mean it's any less necessary. Vitamin E can actually help protect your cells against oxidative stress and might prevent your skin from the harmful effects of UV light.
Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E, with 7.3 milligrams per one-ounce serving, or just over half of the daily intake for adults (15 milligrams). We've compiled a list of four foods that have more vitamin E than one ounce of almonds, so you may receive your daily dose of the vitamin from somewhere other than almonds.
1. Wheat Germ Oil
Wheat germ oil is beneficial to your skin because of its high vitamin E concentration. Vitamin E can help fend off free radicals, minimize skin damage, and encourage healthy collagen creation because it is made up of a collection of potent antioxidants. One tablespoon of wheat germ oil, which contains 20 milligrams of vitamin A, or 135 percent of the daily dose, can be drizzled over vegetables, spaghetti, or any other food. Alternatively, you can directly apply the oil on your skin.
2. Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are a terrific complement to your diet, whether you're watching a baseball game or searching for a salty and crunchy salad topper. They're also high in vitamin E. One ounce of sunflower seeds has 7.4 milligrams of vitamin E, or 49 percent of the recommended value, which is only 0.1 milligrams more than almonds.
3. Mamey Sapote
Mamey sapote can be seen growing in sections of Southern Florida in the United States, but the fruit is native to Mexico and Central America's arid woodlands. A whole fruit contains 11.8 milligrams of vitamin E, which is more than 78% of the daily intake. If you've never tried mamey sapote, it's believed to have an apricot or raspberry flavor.
4. Hazelnut Oil
While one tablespoon of hazelnut oil is sufficient for one meal, it does not provide more vitamin E than one ounce of almonds. To put things in perspective, one tablespoon contains 6.4 milligrams, or around 29% of your daily value. If you add another teaspoon, you'll have consumed more than 8 milligrams of vitamin E, more than one serving of almonds.