9 Signs You Aren't Getting Enough Fiber

Interested in learning one of the most potent weight loss and health secrets ever discovered? Is there a strategy that almost guarantees you'll stay full and content while losing weight? The solution is simple: eat more fiber, which many people aren't doing right now.

According to the FDA, Americans should ingest 28 grams of fiber per day following a 2,000-calorie diet. However, many of us aren't even close to that figure. According to experts, 95% of American individuals do not consume the required fiber each day.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the average adult woman in the United States consumes only 15 grams of fiber per day. In comparison, the average adult man consumes just under 19 grams. To put it in perspective, that's the same as eating one giant apple and three tablespoons of chickpeas—which is practically nothing!

The often-overlooked nutrient, indigestible material present in foods, veggies, whole grains, and beans is incredibly satisfying and packed with health benefits, making it an essential part of any diet. And if you're not getting enough fiber, things in your body could be going wrong that you're not aware of.

1. Backed Up

If you're always "backed up" in the bathroom, it could indicate that you lack fiber. "More water stays in your stool when you eat a fiber-rich diet, making it simpler to transit through your intestines. When we don't eat enough fiber, our digestive system slows down, making it more difficult to expel waste." Increase your intake of these high-fiber foods in your daily diet to keep things going along smoothly and to guarantee you're meeting your nutritional requirements regularly.

2. You're Always Feeling Hungry

If you've ever eaten a whole tray of chicken nuggets and fries only to have your stomach growl shortly afterward, it's most likely due to a lack of fiber in your meal. Fiber slows digestion and keeps blood sugar levels steady, allowing you to feel fuller for extended periods.

Furthermore, when soluble fiber is fermented in the large intestine, your body creates two gut hormones that aid in the induction of satiety. Adding fiber-rich foods to your meals and snacks, such as avocados, beans, brown rice, and pears, will help keep those post-meal tummy rumbles at bay—and so improve weight loss attempts.

Here is Why I Always Feel Hungry?

3. You are Gaining Weight

"We tend to feel hungrier and more prone to overeating when we don't eat enough fiber," Schapiro explains. Overeating, as you might expect, leads to weight gain. As a result, when you eat fiber, you'll feel fuller and be able to lose weight.

One study found that by adding just 8 grams of fiber to their daily diets for 20 months, individuals lost an average of 4.4 pounds, the majority of which was body fat. So, if the number on the scale starts to creep up, it's time to examine your diet to see if you're getting enough fiber.

4. You're Always Tired.

In addition to increasing your risk of diabetes, fluctuating blood sugar levels can make you feel tired, even if you got plenty of sleep the night before. When you don't eat enough fiber, your body breaks down simple carbohydrates faster, releasing them into your bloodstream more quickly.

Reach for a fiber-rich source of complex carbs with a bit of protein and fat to keep your energy and blood sugar levels steady throughout the day. A piece of Ezekiel bread spread with a tablespoon of almond butter (4 g fiber, 7.5 g protein, 9.5 g fat) is a quick and easy method to get all of those essential energy-boosting nutrients.

5. You Have a High Level of Cholesterol.

According to a meta-analysis published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the less soluble fiber you consume (rich in oatmeal, beans, and brussels sprouts), the higher your risk of elevated cholesterol rises. According to scientists, fiber acts magnetically in the intestine, collecting and taking out artery-clogging plaques that would otherwise raise cholesterol levels.

6. You're Continuously Afflicted by Stomach Problems, such as Bloating.

It may seem odd, but bloating can occur when you don't consume enough fiber, just as it can occur when you drink too much fiber. You usually feel bloated after overeating fiber because your diet lacks it. Fiber is an undigested carb, which means it is not broken down and used for energy by your body.

Instead, it serves as either bulk for your face or nourishment for your good bacteria. Bloating can occur as a result of the bacteria breaking down the fiber and releasing gas. It may take a while for your healthy gut bacteria to figure out how to break down this food if you haven't fed them in a bit. That's why nutritionists recommend gradually increasing your fiber intake to allow your system to acclimatize and prevent constipation.

7. You Have Nutrient Deficiencies, according to Blood Test.

If you don't eat fiber-rich foods like whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, you're likely to be deficient in the other health-promoting nutrients contained in those foods. If you know you're not getting enough fiber, see your doctor ensure that you're not suffering from a significant nutritional shortage. A multivitamin and a well-balanced diet can likely assist you in regaining your health. 

8. You've Recently Been Diagnosed With Diabetes

People who routinely consume low-fiber, fast-digesting high-glycemic foods such as white bread, cookies, soda, and white rice are more than twice as likely to acquire type 2 diabetes as those who do not.

According to recent research, persons who consume the most important fiber, particularly cereal fiber, have the lowest risk of diabetes. What's the link between the two? "Fiber-rich foods assist to reduce blood sugar and insulin spikes, which can contribute to diabetes over time," says Schapiro.

9. Diagnosed with Heart Disease

According to statistics and conclusions published in the journal Stroke by the US National Library of Medicine, when your cholesterol levels are out of a healthy range—whether as a result of a low-fiber diet or otherwise—it can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Because plaque buildup in the arteries causes both stroke and heart disease, this is true. Avoid these heart-disease-causing foods to keep your ticker healthy for years to come.

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